Vähäkankaan koulu - Ylivieska

Vähänkankaan koulu is a modern educational institution located in Ylivieska, which has invested in a high-quality learning environment and versatile teaching facilities. The school is designed to support students' well-being and promote modern pedagogy, utilizing flexible learning spaces and the latest technology. Vähänkankaan School emphasizes community and the joy of learning and is designed to meet future learning needs.

We were involved in implementing the technical work spaces, including machines, furniture, tools, and equipment.

Images of the project
MG 5901 Enhanced NR Edit

MG 5901 Enhanced NR Edit

MG 5905 Enhanced NR Edit

MG 5905 Enhanced NR Edit

MG 5908 Enhanced NR

MG 5908 Enhanced NR

MG 5912 Enhanced NR Edit

MG 5912 Enhanced NR Edit

MG 5913 Enhanced NR

MG 5913 Enhanced NR

MG 5915 Enhanced NR

MG 5915 Enhanced NR


  • Municipality: Ylivieska
  • Grades: 1 - 6
  • Year of Construction: 2024
  • School Area: 1600 m2
  • Number of Students: 100
  • Construction Contractor: Rave Rakennus Oy
  • Architect: Jorma Paloranta Oy


Technical Work Area Information:

  • Machine workshop
  • Wood worksop
  • Surface Treatment
  • Storage